What is Ikebana
Ikebana is the Japanese art of formal flower arrangement with special regard shown to balance, harmony, and form.
What is Ikebana International
Ikebana International is a non-profit, cultural organization dedicated to the promotion and appreciation of the art of ikebana. Our goal is to strengthen relationships among teachers and students of ikebana with a deeper purpose of establishing relationships among all peoples of the world through their mutual love of nature. The late Ellen Gordon Allen founded the organization in 1956 with the motto: Friendship through Flowers. Today, there are over 143 chapters of Ikebana International in over 50 countries/areas around the world with a membership of over 7,000 persons.
About us
いけばなインターナショナル鎌倉⽀部は、 1961年 鎌倉⾼徳院 (⼤仏殿) 故佐藤治⼦夫⼈をはじめ熱⼼ないけばな愛好家の⽅々を中⼼に設立されました。現在、いけばなを始め多方面の文化や芸術に精通した会員が大勢在籍しています。月例会では、歴史豊かな文化的価値の高い会場などで、興味深い貴重な体験をすることができます。
The Kamakura Chapter #51 was established in 1961 by Mrs. Haruko Sato and other Ikebana enthusiasts. Current members have diverse experiences and talents. We have members with certifications in Ikebana, Japanese Tea Ceremony, Kimono Dressing and Japanese Dance and Fine Arts, to name a few. Each month, members and their guests experience some of the area’s most interesting cultural and artistic talent. Events are held at locations of historical and cultural importance.
Monthly meetings
例会は、通例9⽉の新年度から5⽉まで、 毎⽉ 第三⽊曜⽇に⾏われます。 月例会では、いけばな以外にもさまざまな分野の催し物が披露されます。これまでに茶道、各国大使館訪問、クラフト、コンサートなどがありました。会員は日本で5年ごとに開催されるいけばな世界大会、世界の7地域で開催される地区大会に参加できます。
Monthly Events are held September through May, on the third Thursday of each month. A diverse cultural program offers a broad range of experiences beyond flower arranging. Past events have also included: tea ceremonies, embassy tours, Geisha visits, soap carving and instrumental performances. There are also opportunities to get involved with the broader Ikebana International community events: Regional Conferences are held annually around the world, and World Conventions are held in Japan every five years.